
These popovers are so incredibly light, crispy and awesome that you’ll want to blow off the rest of the day just to linger over breakfast, fresh coffee and a newspaper.

They go beautifully with an omelet. and make a nice home for a perfectly poached egg with a slice of cheddar.

A few notes:

This is a very simple recipe, but it’s important to make sure everything is the right temperature, or they won’t puff up.

Popovers puff up from internal steam pressure. If the ingredients are cold, the outside will harden before the inside puffs up.

Enjoy! Each one is a unique work of art.

240 g Milk, warm (whole milk gives a nicer texture, but 2% works)(about 1 1/3 cups)
170 Grams All-purpose flour. (about 1 1/3 cups)
4 Large Eggs (room temperature)
43g Grams Butter, melted(about 3 Tablespoons)
5 Grams Kosher Salt (about 3/4 teaspoon)


  • Move oven rack to the middle position, put popover pan in oven and preheat to 450°F  on convection for bout 30 minutes.
  • Heat the milk in the microwave until warm but not hot.
  • Take the eggs out of the refrigerator and put the in a bowl of warm water.
  • Once the milk and eggs are warm, crack the eggs into a blender, add the milk and salt and turn on blender. Add the melted butter.
  • Add the flour. Mix until it’s a little frothy.
  • Let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the oven, spray with baking/cooking  spray, quickly fill each popover cup bout 3/4 full and put back in oven.
  • Bake until crusty and light brown, about 20 minutes.
  • Reduce oven temperature to 300°F and bake another 10 minutes to firm up the insides and darken the outside a little more.
  • Serve hot, with butter and honey.

Makes 6 popovers

5 Weight Watcher’s Smart Points each.